Hi, I'm

I am Aya from Egypt. I feel I have a lot to say about Lithuania and this amazing volunteering
experience in Telsiai. Maybe I can start by the weather, how it is completely different and totally new
experience for me but this cannot be compared to the beautiful and amazing nature I found here from
Forests to lakes.
Let me tell you first a little bit about myself. I am 27 years old who studied English literature and
simultaneous interpretation in Egypt and directly before I come here I finished my professional
diploma in simultaneous interpretation.
Back to my volunteering experience, I have been six months here in Telsiai Youth center having fun
with youngster trying to spend good time together and at the same time introduce to them a little bit
about Egyptian culture and Traditions.
Time passed fast but I am happy that I have witnessed many special days here like candles for
Ukrainians, Christmas and even the special Sauna tradition in Lithuania. I believe that the next months
will teach me a lot and will let me discover many skills about myself.
I am very excited for the next days.
I love Lithuania, I love Telsiai.