Hi, I'm

Hi everybody! Labas, Lietuva! I am Ana from Georgia. I am delighted to be part of the ESC program as a volunteer in Telsiai at Varniai Youth Centre. I studied Cultural Studies at Tbilisi State University and for me as a culturologist, volunteering in Lithuania is a wonderful opportunity to meet a new culture and people, learn and get familiar with cultural norms and practices of Lithuania on a deeper level. Also, I am going to study Lithuanian language - one of the most beautiful and old languages, and I believe, this will lead me to more fascinating experiences throughout the country.
When I got to know that I was chosen as a volunteer in Telsiai, I immediately felt thrilled with possibility to live and work abroad for a long period of time. On the one hand, working at youth centre is challenging since I have never been a volunteer before and I am trying to get accustomed to the working environment and city’s community, however, on the other hand, it is exciting to contribute to the community and make a difference to the people’s lives by organizing and conducting different activities and spending time with youngsters.
I would like to point out that a representative of my sending organization - Alex Metreveli arranged all the documents for me and thus the process went smoothly. And now in Telsiai I am feeling that I am in good hands - everyone is super attentive and supportive. I am lucky!
It is a great honor for me to be a volunteer in Telsiai which is full of opportunities: broadening horizons, discovering different places, building relationships in a community and enhancing communication skills. I am sure that being a volunteer in Lithuania at Varniai Youth Centre will play a significant role in my personal and career growth. Since it is always good idea to escape routine I will put my energy and capacities into the volunteering to make it absolutely exciting and inspiring experience. I believe, I will have an unforgettable and exceptional one year in Lithuania.
Ana Dekanosidze